Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The current technology that we carry with us all the time is reshaping Essay

The current technology that we carry with us all the time is reshaping our personality and in the future it seems to endangerin - Essay Example Nonetheless, despite the positive effects of technology in society today, human beings have become slaves of technology, thus resulting in negative outcomes. Nonetheless, technology influences various aspects of human beings negatively, including shaping their personality, and this endangers the existence of the human race in future. According to a New York Times article written by Parker-Pope (WEB), technology has an ugly toll on human beings today. This mainly regards human personality, which has greatly been affected by technology in a detrimental manner. Today, there is the technological invention of high-speed internet, which most people use. There are different gadgets with fast-forward buttons, including many other types of technologies, which people use daily. Parker-Pope (WEB) therefore, argues that the use and dependence on this technology slowly shapes the personality of most human beings. According to Parker-Pope, â€Å"Some experts believe excessive use of the Internet, cellphones and other technologies can cause us to become more impatient, impulsive, forgetful and even more narcissistic† (WEB). ... Therefore, this makes life of people today resemble a chat room. Additionally, since most people spend most of their time with their devices and computers with internet, this has resulted in some people becoming addicted to the internet and to the cellphones and other gadgets, therefore, making technology to become like a drug. Technology has also led to the cutting-off of social interactions among people. People communicate more on their cellphones and through the internet, therefore, leading to less time of face-to-face interactions. More people spend time in chat rooms, and this is encouraged by the high efficiency of the internet and iPhones, as well as the anonymity of chat rooms (Parker-Pope WEB). In another article in the BBC News, by Coughlan (WEB), Coughlan argues that technology is presently ranked among some of the threats to human extinction. Humans develop technology; therefore, this might be a case of self-destruction, as observed by Lord Rees, who is a scientist, †Å"This is the first century in the world's history when the biggest threat is from humanity† (Coughlan WEB). Natural disasters, diseases, persecution, and environmental change might not lead to extinction of the human race, since humans have survived this throughout history. In addition, nuclear war might destroy a high number of lives, but some humans might survive. Nonetheless, the present era of technology has the highest capacity for destroying human existence in future. The major reason for this is the lack of control, which people exhibit in the development and use of technology. Therefore, the negative effects of technology are not controlled. People today have become more experimentative and have delved into areas that are unpredictable. For instance, experiments in machine

Monday, October 28, 2019

Post Olympic Effects on Hospitality Industry Essay Example for Free

Post Olympic Effects on Hospitality Industry Essay Aim: To identify the issues that the hospitality industry may be faced with  post Olympics 2012 and to recommend  strategies to overcome the reduction in the business to hospitality organisations. Objectives: 1. To study the opportunities in the hospitality industry during Olympic 2012 2. To evaluate the impact of post Olympics 2012 on hospitality industry. 3. To recommend the strategies to the hospitality industry to survive post Olympic downfall in business The London Olympics is spending a huge amount of money for the Olympic Games and for their facilities. Preparing for the Olympics, hospitality industry needs to consider the impact of tourists during the Olympics time and beyond. It involves the pre and post Olympic stays of the tourist. The hoteliers are creating a unique atmosphere and spending lots of money for the Olympics. Hospitality industry has challenges to recover all the money which they spend for Olympics, which depends on the strategies which they will use after post Olympics. The Olympic Game is now becoming the most important event in the calendars of sport tourism and is also acting as a catalyst for the growth of a tourism destination’s product. It is very important to examine the pre-games impact and contrasting them with post games results, researching the works of various authors on the same topics pulls up the threat of vast differences. It is very obvious that there is essential need for more rigorous and standardized industry method to reduce the differences to minimum. The reports of DCMS suggests that there is an inadequate attention and underestimation of importance is being paid to what could be the most important period of all that is the post Olympic period and there is also an overall lacking in understanding the behavior of Olympic tourists. It is very vital to evaluate the post games impact of Olympics on Hospitality as a great deal of money and time is invested into predicting the impacts of the games, the Games suffer from a lack of ex-post analysis. London 2012 will provide an opportunity for UK to generate extra revenue as sport tourism is now considered to be in the introduction phase to the tourism product lifecycle, London now has achieved the position which could help to maintain a unique competitive advantage through tailoring the product to the contemporary tourists. London 2012 Olymdspic Games Visit Britain’s aim’s to use cultural and sporting activities to improve the quality of life, support the pursuit of excellence, creative and leisure industries, and champion the tourism. It will also track progress, monitor and implement as follows: BHA will work towards a new tourism growth target for 2008-11, and later a further target for 2012-15, and monitor progress towards those targets. The Strategy will be to maximize the legacy through effective post-games marketing and make London and Britain â€Å"must see destinations’. DCMS, Visit Britain and Visit London published Winning in 2007 after consulting the local tourism agencies and tourism industry, Visit Britain (2011). Wining is the revised document emerged after consultation and its envisaged programmed will run until 2017. It was an enviable task to write a strategy that would embrace the whole of UK, yet accurate to make the most of the opportunity provided by the London 2012 games . The document also mentions more specific targets and aspirations, as in how through tourism extra revenue will be generated using London 2012 games. For example, it showcases an explicit objective that would help in reversing the decline in domestic overnight stays which explains lack of interests or attention on cultural tourism. Although they mentioned about new festivals, the desire to imitate Australia which achieved success by utilizing the 2000 games and contributed extra thirty percent through cultural activities in international tourist participation and the cultural Olympiad. Can these aims prove feasible/how realistic they can be? A strategy called Winning was published in the year 2007 which was supported by researchers and prominent economist from UK, who claim that the London 2012 Olympics can unveil an opportunity to UK to add ? 2. 1 billion additional revenue to the overall tourism benefits. The substantial economic bequest written is, there will be a dramatic increase in the number of tourist spending, which is merely supported or justified with the aid of their positive projection. The accent on estimated revenue by tourism as a vital monetary consequence of the event allows an appealing negation. The Tourism policy is also being marginalized in organizational structures and strategy scaffolds of broader Olympic development. Visit Britain and Visit London is forecasting that amid 50-70% of the net economic profit of organizing the games measures over 7-10 year period will amass through tourism. These forecasts are a result of â€Å"ex- ante† monetary collision analysis which is reputably unpredictable. (Kronbalatt, 2006) and (Crompton, 1995) indeed suggest vigilance when taking into account such tourism projection for Olympic profits. By developing three estimates of its most probable effects (Blake, 2005) accredited the vague economic results of the Olympic Games. The central case suggests that there can be an increase of 1. 5% to the UK’s tourism amid 2012 and 2016. However possible consequences can range amid a probable decrease by 4% or increase in 7%. To ascertain the correctness of these forecasts, the report also contains ways on how to observe the effects. The only facet that initiates concern is that being so close to the event, the UK had failed to have an initiates in the earlier part as Sydney did. Winning, a strategy which was published in 2007 is supported by suggestions from economists, researches and postulates that the 2012 games will provide them an opportunity to generate ? 2. 1 billion in additional tourism benefits (DCMS, 2007, p. 17). The main tangible economic legacy of the games will be an increase in the number of visitors spending is justified with the help of their optimistic projection. The emphasis on Tourism revenue as the key economic outcome of the games allows an interesting contradiction. Tourism policy has been marginalized both in the organizational structures and policy framework of wider Olympic planning. Visit Britain and Visit London is estimating that between 50-70% of the net economic benefits of staging the event measured over 7-10 year period will accrue through tourism. Such forecast are the outcome of â€Å"ex-ante† economic impact analyses which are notoriously unreliable (Crompton, 1995). Kornblatt (2006) certainly recommends caution when considering the tourism projections of â€Å"Olympic benefits†. These positions are reaffirmed by academic analyses. By developing three estimates of its likely effects (Blake, 2005) acknowledged the uncertain economic outcomes of the 2012 games. According to Blake’s â€Å"Central Case†, the most likely outcome is that there can be an increase in tourism to the UK of 1. 5% between 2012 and 2016. However, Blake also suggests that the effects could range between a reduction of 4% and an increase of 7%. To establish the accuracy of these forecasts, the report also includes measures on how to monitor the effects. The only aspect that initiates worries is that, being so close to the games, the UK does not almost have any initiatives similar to that of Sydney, where effects of longitudinal tourism were monitored by groups that began working well before the 2000 games and which included a strong representation from the academic community ( e. g. , see Faulkner et al. ,2001). To recommend the strategies to the hospitality industry to survive post Olympics downfall in business: According to a stark warning from the European Tour Operators Association issued for the start of British Tourism Week LONDON tourism is â€Å"running away† from the U. K. rather than toward it. The main concern was the shortage of availability of hotel space at â€Å"reasonable market rates† in London during Olympics period. ETOA’s Executive director, Tom Jenkins had said that the European tour operators are â€Å"most concerned that the U. K. in general is underperforming on the worldwide tourism market†, citing a 105% U. K. 10-year growth figure compared to 130% growth in European tourism and 195% worldwide. On the other hand along with raising problems with the taxation system and the complications and restrictions imposed with getting a U. K visa, Jenkins also highlighted â€Å"a core postulated that London will have bonanza year for business in 2012† as leading to overpricing and a potential pre- and post-Olympics â€Å"crater† in the hotel market. He also warned this Olympic effect could have much longer lasting implications. According to the research made by us we would recommend the following strategies for the issues: UK hoteliers should be able to position themselves for the London Olympics: Hoteliers need to consider the before and after impact of visitors coming for the Olympics or arranging the vacation holidays around the time of the event. They need to consider the impact of the event itself. It should be mainly focused in terms of occupancy and rate and most of the hotels should have sophisticated models in place to deal with these issues Smith and Stevenson (2009) . London hoteliers should incorporate Olympics related ideas into their packages: The hoteliers should use the occasion to create a unique atmosphere. It is important that all the UK hotels recognizes that it will have to step up to the plate and offer a world-class welcome to what could possibly be completely new inbound markets Gibson (2010). Improving customer service: People expect best service when they come to visit the country for the Olympics. In this situation many skilled workers are required for providing a good experience for the visitors. The hotels must employ sufficient staff, as well as well trained chef to work flexibly and must be able to cope up the pressure. They should employ people who will welcome the visitors in a helpful manner and in a professional way. They should also have good language skills as well as they must be aware of disability requirements and other cultural ideas, Red White and Blacks (2011). Need to increase accessibility: The Paralympics games are going to attract nearly 4,500 athletes, the tourism business must strive to provide reliable information about accessible facilities and must understand the need of the visitors mainly the disabled people. They should explore the possibility of the research of the effectiveness of disability awareness training in the tourism industry. They should also consider the disability training as a part of gold standard customer service work Improve skills and retention of the staff: For the last two years more than half of the managers do not have minimum management qualifications. There is a severe shortage of skilled chefs. The main backdrop of the hospitality industry is high rate of staff turnover which costs approximately ? 1 billion each year. The employers should check for the qualification reform while recruiting new staffs. The industry must check more for employee benefits as well to retain the employees Kirkup Major (2006) Bibliography:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Photosynthesis :: essays research papers

Photosynthesis 1. Would you illuminate your house plants with a green light bulb? Why or why not? It would not be a wise choice to put a plant under a green light bulb. The reason for this is that due to the fact that the leaves are green they reflect green light. This shining green light onto the flowers will cause photosynthesis to stop. Since the light is being reflectd, the cells do not get any light. With out light they cannot carry out the everyday occurance of photosyntesis. If the choice was mine, I would place them into violet light, because almost none of it would be reflected. 2. Explain the statement: "Without autotrophic organisms, heterotrophic lofe would cease to exist." Without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic organisms would not be able to survive for two asic reasons. One is the fact that autotrophic organisms create most of the oxygen that heterotrophs breath. Whithout them, heterotrophs which need oxygen to survive would not live very long. The second reason is that autotrophs are the lowest food on the food chart. Without them many heterotrops would die from starvation. 3. Why did you put your syringes containing leaf material in the dark prior to illumination? The reason this was done was to make sure as little oxygen as possible was contained in the leaf material. This coused the experimrnt to run properly. If the leaf material was not placed in the dark, the dark reaction would not have occured using up all the oxygen. If there was still oxygen in the leaf material, the data collected would have been off. The reason for this is that the leaves would have risen to the top of the liqiud quicker, because they would not have had to make the totql amount of oxygen. 4. State you hypothesis for the directed experiment. The leaves in the sodium bicarbonate will rise to the top of the syringes faster than the ones in the distilled water will.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


The intent of this survey programme is to find if pupils from the simple degree of Hin Hua High School ( Chinese Independent School ) improved in their ability to compose in English after holding studied specifically developed course of study. The 7-hour remedial programme is to be conducted one time the academic section releases the concluding appraisal classs. Fifteen pupils with the lowest mark were selected utilizing the standard method to undergo the remedial programme. the importance of all six major facets of composing measured in the English Test which comprises chiefly punctuation, grammar and use, sentence construction, scheme, organisation, and manner. It is believed by go toing the remedial programme selected pupils would be able to demo the ability to do and joint judgements by taking place on an issue or job. Besides prolonging a place by concentrating on the subject throughout the authorship. They are alson expected to develop a place by showing support or grounds utilizing specific inside informations and do illations based on support or grounds. Most significantly, they should be able to form and present thoughts in a logical manner by logically grouping and sequencing thoughts. Hence communicate clearly by utilizing linguistic communication efficaciously and by detecting the conventions of standard written EnglishIntroductionAs a linguistic communication instructor, I frequently select composing undertakings from linguistic communication text editions to assist pupils better their authorship ability. Behaviorists, communicative, cognitive, and discourse theories could act upon composing attacks in linguistic communication text editions. Each theoretical model has provided us with a better apprehension of the multiple dimensions and intents of learning composing. A reappraisal of the developments in composing teaching method leads us to reason that we could learn composing as a agency to better lingual, rhetorical and communicative competency or as a find and cognitive procedure. The composing undertakings that we select from linguistic communication text editions and assign to pupils could reflect one or some of these pedagogical intents. As instructors, we need to oppugn and understand the pedagogical premises of text edition composing undertakings so that we can choose undertakings that will assist our pupils become confident authors and independent minds. Primary pupils come ining the secondary school degree ( high School ) are challenged non merely to larn new content in the subjects but besides to pass on this. A important figure of pupils will non hold equal academic literacy degrees to be able to make this successfully ( Jones and Bonanno, 1995 ( 1 ) . Atlhough traditionally pupils were expected to develop academic literacy accomplishments without any expressed instruction of these accomplishments, schools now recognize the progressively diverse backgrounds of their pupil populations and have put in topographic point mechanisms for assisting pupils develop their academic literacy. These have included the constitution of literacy and larning units every bit good as the demand for school course of study to turn to the instruction of composing accomplishments including communicating accomplishments. English Learning Centre of Hin Hua High School Klang, like other literacy and larning units, has been involved in a figure of collaborative undertakings with instructors involved in learning Junior One to incorporate the instruction of communicating accomplishments into the course of study ( Webb et al, 1995, Taylor and Drury, 1996 ) . These enterprises have resulted in the development of new learning stuffs and attacks every bit good as new patterns of appraisal and feedback. However, as capable country course of study are being adapted to computer-based signifiers of acquisition, it is besides necessary to see how the instruction of communicating accomplishments can be integrated into these plans or how the instruction of communicating accomplishments can be contextualized within the acquisition of capable country cognition. With the current demand for propheciuency in English Language great importance has been given to developing plans to transfuse good composing manners to the si mple scholars which aims to assist pupils go successful editors of their ain authorship.1.1 LITERATURE REVIEWWriting accomplishments have been identified as to better pupils ‘ thought. Moffett and a few others have developed cognitively sequenced course of study for simple and secondary authorship, college composing, when it is sequenced at all, tends to trust on structural or rhetorical agreements, which are neither consecutive nor cumulative. Progressions from word to condemn to paragraph to theme confuse quantitative with qualitative growing, while rhetorical sequences confront pupils with cognitive jobs of different but equal complexness. In short, from a cognitive position, most writing direction in higher instruction is consistent with that in secondary instruction: what Stephen Judy described as â€Å" Advanced Hodgepodge † in high school gives manner to â€Å" Arrogant Hodgepodge † in college. A big and turning organic structure of research, nevertheless, shows that cognitive development follows a hierarchal sequence of phases and suggests that a course of study can be consecutive organized to advance cognitive development. Bloom ‘s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives provides some indispensable connexions between the cognitive abilities we expect of college pupils and a course of study that can excite those abilities Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is one solution to the cognitive odds and ends of the authorship course of study. It allows us to sequence direction and assignments in ways that speak straight to pupils ‘ developmental demands. From least to most complex, For composing direction the taxonomy provides a flexible theoretical account of what happens cognitively in the acquisition procedure Bloom described a six phase sequence: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. ( See Figure 1 )Figure 1.0 The flow chart of Bloom ‘s TaxonomyAt each new degree, thought procedures construct on and embrace old degrees. Implicit in this construction is the premise of an go uping graduated table of trouble and fullness. Thinking at the comprehension degree is more demanding than at the cognition degree ; cognitive jobs necessitating synthesis or rating encompass all the preceding degrees. A reappraisal of Bloom ‘s definitions for each systematic degree suggests what such a cognitively-based authorship class might imply. Although the focal point of each degree is cognitive, rhetorical issues of audience and intent are every bit appropriate and can be specified for any assignment. Most of all, the taxonomy allows us to contemplate the value and feasibleness of a cognition-based course of study in composing. Such a course of study would reflect the hierarchal dealingss of the assorted idea procedures and would assist to command for cognitive complexness in authorship and believing about falsifying natural discourse. In this signifier, composing or writing-intensive classs would consistently develop pupils ‘ thought accomplishments instead than go forthing them to opportunity or, worse, blunting the author ‘s still-developing ability to research and show thoughts. In short, a cognition-based course of study ensures that pupils take part to the full in utilizing composing as a manner of acquisition.2.0 INTENDED PURPOSEThe remedial programme is targeted for the simple scholars who are in the procedure of upgrading their authorship accomplishments to the pre -intermediate degree. A sum of 15 pupils are selected from the age group of 13 old ages old base d on the concluding semester scrutiny consequences. The scrutiny fundamentally structured in conformity to the text edition presently used in the school course of study, New Opportunities ( Pearson Longman-Cambridge ) . Basically the ( Stiggins to foreground achievement differences between and among pupils to bring forth a, 1994 ) . School systems might desire to sort pupils in this manner so that they can be heighten their competence degree even further. The major ground for utilizing a norm-referenced trial ( NRT ) is to sort pupils. NRTs are designed on reliable rank order of pupils across a continuum of accomplishment from high winners to low winners be decently placed in remedial or talented plans. These types of trials are besides used to assist instructors choice pupils for different ability degree reading or mathematics instructional groups. As the selected pupils fall under the below mean group in Paper 1 ( Writing Assessment ) whereby there are two parts that the had to fi nish here: Section A Notes Expansion and SECTION B Continuous Writing ( Choose one subject out of five given ) From the academic analysis it was found that bulk pupils failed in Section B where it consists of 25 % of the entire Markss of 40 % of the Writing paper. Thus they are required to go to a 7 hr remedial programme to better their authorship accomplishments by at least 85 % . FINAL Semester: Paper 1 RESULTS ( 40 % ) Name Class SECTION ( 15 % ) Section B ( 25 % ) 1 LIM WAI MENG ELEMENTARY 8 8 2 CAROLINE TAN ELEMENTARY 7 7 3 CHONG YOKE LAN ELEMENTARY 9 6 4 LIM CHEN PHANG ELEMENTARY 8 6 5 LEE AI VIN ELEMENTARY 8 7 6 SOO HUI YING ELEMENTARY 5 5 7 TAN KUI ROU ELEMENTARY 6 8 8. TEE WAN RU ELEMENTARY 5 9 9 NG JIA JI ELEMENTARY 9 7 10 LIM SHAO YI ELEMENTARY 9 4 11 KELVIN LAI ELEMENTARY 6 8 12 TAN MAY LI ELEMENTARY 8 8 13 TOO MEI LING ELEMENTARY 5 5 14 LIM TAI YONG ELEMENTARY 6 9 15 TEO JOYCELYN ELEMENTARY 7 63.0 PURPOSE OF REMEDIAL WRITING PROGRAMMEThe grounds for the remedial plan to be initiated is to break the scholars in their authorship accomplishments and beef up it so that they have all capablenesss to be promoted to the following degree but due to certain infinitesimal factors they fail to adhere to the criterions of the pre-intermediate degree. Therefore these pupils are carefully selected utilizing the standard method to undergo the 7 hr remedial programme. In order to bore and actuate these pupils in the remedial programme an enriching lesson program is formulated to make a positive result at the terminal of the the 7 hr remedial programme. The intents for stressing authorship accomplishments are to bring forth who can grok instruction and acquisition in a positive mental properties. There is a broad organic structure of research proposing that measuring pupils ‘ written public presentation is a valuable project. Not merely is an teacher able to assist a pupil ‘s advancement, but besides the teacher can ease the acquisition procedure and the acquisition results by being cognizant of pupil public presentation throughout the academic session. Undeniably, 3R accomplishments are of import and necessary in day-to-day life. They are besides needed to back up the development of a knowledge-based economic system. Acknowledging these demands, the school has initiated and implemented programmes to place pupils who have non mastered the 3Rs. These programmes are designed to specifically turn to and get the better of the inability of pupils to get the hang the 3Rs. This is in line with the essentialism which instills pupils with academic cognition and character development. Among the programmes that have been implemented in schools are the Early InterA ­vention Reading and Writing Class, Basic Skills for Reading, Writing and Counting Programme and the Literacy and Numeracy Programme at Level One.3.1 Sub-skills of WritingBesides boring and enriching the remedial scholars with the nucleus authorship accomplishments, there are besides exposed to the importance of sub-skills in their acquisition such as: I Manipulating the book of the linguistic communication: script, spelling and punctuation. II Expressing grammatical [ syntactic and morphological ] relationships at the sentence degree III Expressing information or cognition in authorship: explicitly implicitly IV Enrichment of VocabularyPart B4.0 Aims of the 7-hour remedial programmeThe chief purpose in presenting and implementing the remedial programme peculiarly in the facet of composing accomplishments is to chiefly: to develop competences in composing accomplishments among scholars to travel from a teacher-centered didactic theoretical account to a student-centered constructivist theoretical account to get the ability to compose in a more clear, concise and acceptable mode5.0 Instructional Design: Using the ADDIE Model to Construct Writing Competency Among Remedial Learners5.1 ModelThe generic term for the five-phase instructional design theoretical account dwelling of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.A Each measure has an result that feeds into the following measure in the sequence.A There are likely over 100+ different fluctuations of the generic ADDIE theoretical account. Instructional design purpose for a scholar -centered instead than a traditional teacher-centered attack to direction, so that effectual acquisition can take topographic point. This means that every constituent of the direction is governed by the acquisition results, which have been determined after a thorough analysis of the scholars ‘ demands. This phases sometimes overlap and can be interrelated ; nevertheless they provide a dynamic, flexible guideline for developing effectual and efficient direction.5.2 ADDIE ‘S TheoryThe ADDIE direction theoretical account for this desin is outlined by Smith and Ragan ( 1995 ) in their book entitiled Instructional design. The focal point is n 5 points Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. From this theory the analysis has proved that there was a demand to carry on remedial programme for the simple low scorers where an opportunty was given to larn and develop basic essay composing accomplishments.6.0 Remedial Education ProgrammeIn Malaysia, the importance of remedial instruction gained attending in the sixtiess. Consequences of a pilot undertaking in nine schools between 1967 and 1970 showed a demand for remedial instruction, particularly for students in rural countries. This paved the manner for remedial instruction programmes in primary schools. The innova tors in the field attended a biennial intensive class on remedial instruction in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, a national series of seminars and workshops on remedial instruction were organized. With the exclusion of little schools or under-enrolled schools, every school is allocated one remedial instruction instructor. At the school degree, a Remedial Education Committee is formed, consisting the schoolmaster, remedial instruction instructor, category instructor, capable instructor, resource Centre coordinator, and other instructors as members. The debut of a new course of study for primary schools in 1983 implied a return to the rudimentss in instruction. The ultimate end was to guarantee that no student is illiterate by the twelvemonth 2000. The execution of the remedial instruction programme for kids in Primary 1-3 is to guarantee that they master the 3Rs. Childs who have been recommended for remedial instruction are required to go to remedial categories. As of 1999, 54,000 primary school kids have undergone the intercession programme. In add-on to bettering and heightening instructor development, the Malayan authorities besides works towards bettering the course of study at school to run into the altering demands of the economic system. During the Fourth Malaysia Plan, the primary school course of study was revised with the purpose of supplying and set uping a steadfast instruction in reading, authorship, and arithmetic. This led to the development of a new course of study stressing the 3Rs. Surveies looking at the returns to instruction in Malaysia have found positive consequences in those who have had some signifier of formal instruction, thereby supplying support to the authorities guidelines on the primary course of study which emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills.Education in Malaysia, altering really quickly reacting to the emerging focal point of womb-to-tomb acquisition ; the turning accent on larning ; as opposed to making and the development of the new bringing systems6.1 The Educational, Philosoph ical and Psychological foundationElementary instruction shall take to develop the religious, moral, mental and physical capablenesss of the kid, supply him with experiences in the democratic manner of life, and instill thoughts and attitude necessary for enlightened, loyal, unsloped and utile citizenship. To accomplish these aims, simple instruction course of study shall supply for the: ingraining of religious and civic values and the development of a good citizen based on an staying religion in God and echt love of state ; preparation of the immature citizen in his rights, responsibilities and duties in a democratic society for active engagement, in a progressive and productive place and community life ; development of basic understanding about Malayan civilization, the desirable tradition and virtuousnesss of our people as indispensable necessities in achieving national consciousness and solidarity ; instruction of basic wellness cognition and the formation of desirable wellness wonts and patterns ; development of functional literacy in English as basic tools for farther acquisition ; and acquisition of cardinal cognition, attitudes, wonts, and accomplishments in scientific discipline, civics, civilization, history, geographics, mathematics, humanistic disciplines, and place economic sciences and support instruction and their intelligent application in appropriate life state of affairss. The Elementary Basic Education Curriculum focuses on the tool larning countries for an equal development of competences for larning how to larn. A The end of Instructional design is to back up the cognitive procedures that result in acquisition ( McGriff ) . The expected result of instructional design is to supply cognition and accomplishments to people. The three major larning theories are Constructivism, Behaviorism, and Cognitive. Instructional Design is based on constructivist rules. Instructional design is associated with instructional systems development ( Leshin et al, 1992 ) . An Instructional System is the â€Å" agreement of resources and processs to advance acquisition † ( Berger and Kam ) .6.2 Programme Design: ADDIE ModelADDIE is a all-purpose theoretical account, which can be used to make instructional merchandises and plan design. ADDIE is the acronym for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate and summarizes the five stairss in the Instructional Design procedure. The instructional interior decorator makes determinations critical to guaranting the effectivity of the educational experience in each stage of the procedure. In conformity with the procedure betterment theoretical account, the five stages are a â€Å" cringle, † with the betterment of larning results as the end. Dick and Carey and Kemp ( Kemp,, 1998 ) expanded the ADDIE Model into nine elements. The Dick and Carey Model uses a Reductionist attack in interrupting direction down into smaller sections aiming bomber accomplishments. The scholar is required to maestro of bomber accomplishments, which are aggregated to accomplish overall accomplishment command and learned behaviour. It provides a systematic attack to curriculum and plan design. Teaching is basically a philosophical enterprise and hence educational activity can be conceived within the context of a doctrine or worldview. The curricukum refelects the art and trade of learning. Educational engineering can supply diverseness of believing sing course of study and direction which would be curriculum theorizing.6.2.1 AnalysisBasically the nature of the pupils whom the remedial programme to be conducted are pupils who learn English Language as a 2nd linguistic communication. They are originally from Chinese talking households with a minimal exposure to English Language. Due to the outlook of the school and the educational demands in adhering English as one of the nucleus topics in school these pupils are required to hold in deepness cognition and accomplishment in it. All of them have been educated in the Chinese primary school instruction system. Based on the concluding semester scrutiny consequences 15 pupils are selected to undergo remedial programme as they fall in the boundary line line instances.The pupils get hapless composing accomplishments, while being able to build sentences reasonably good, they seem to hold great trouble in forming and developing their thoughts into the signifier of an essay that has an debut, organic structure and decision. In order to advance these pupils to the following degree that is the pre-intermediate stage from their beginning simple degree the English Language Department found it critical for them to go to a 7-hour remedial programme in order to happen solution to this state of affairs. All of them need to foster develop their authorship accomplishments in term of coherence and coherency ; clip and pattern.6.2.2 DesignThe chief design end for our programme would be on the cognitive schemes of being able to develop an thought for composing since all of them com e from a really similar background and have basic sentence composing accomplishments. Besides the development of linguistic communication in the mechanics of sentence building such as sentence structure, grammar, construction, etc given precedence. R.Gagne ( 1965 ) divided larning into 5 classs: Verbal or declaratory cognition, rational accomplishments, cognitive schemes, attitudes and psychomotor accomplishments. The acquisition ends are besides in connexion to these classs to seek to set educational value behind our ends. At the same clip the end besides reflects competencies lineations by Benjamin Bloom ( Bloom,1956 ) . These include: Knowledge, Conprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis an Evaluation. These give our ends cogency whereby competences are incorporated in conveying about concrete undertaking for scholars that we assign in order to accomplish their ends. Hence in the rating stage, we can utilize this facet to happen out the cogency and the achievement of the scholars in implementing the programme. Learning Goals and Type of Learning Aim Standard GAGNE ‘S DOMAIN BLOOM ‘S TAXANOMY Learners will place an essay subject and 3 sub-topics Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Cognitive schemes Synthesis Learners will be able to compose a 3 paragraph essay with an debut, 2 bomber subjects to include their sentiments, thoughts and decision Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Declaration Cognition Intellectual Skills Synthesis Evaluation Application Learners will be able to utilize the library and Handouts to research printed information on their subjects Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Procedural cognition ( declaration cognition ) Cognition Learners will be able to utilize proper mechanics of grammar sentence structure Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Intellectual Skills Application Learners will be able to show their subjects in category Standards established by Hin Hua High School, English Language Department Declaration cognition Comprehension6.2.3 DevelopmentIn order to set up a accessible remedial programme for the simple scholars, we English instructors have developed a remedial programme which will set about a 7 hr larning procedure. The instructors from the same degree have brainstormed and come up with a class content for the 7-hour instruction and larning programme. The instructors from the same instruction degree are the best individual to make the lesson as they deal with the same competence degree of pupils all the clip and are considered experts in their country. Besides this, they will be able to do he printed and computing machine stuffs and added measure of acquiring the right content for the degree. On top of that since they have already been learning in the same range so they will be doubtless familiar in the procedure of instruction and steering the scholars in order to do the remedial programme a success.6.2.3. ( 1 ) ProcedureThe remedial programme would be in the English medium since the chief aim is to better composing accomplishments among simple scholars. The programme consists of 6 regular Sessionss and followed by a reappraisal and a trial twenty-four hours. Each hr is scheduled to be conducted for 60 proceedingss6.2.4 ExecutionFurther to the development to the development the instructors would be equipped with integral class content for he programme. The faculty would be prepared in balance with the clip frame allotted for the programme. Any instructor who is selected for this undertaking should be ready to set about the instruction procedure based on the strategy that has been prepared. Al cubic decimeter 15 pupils will be instructed to go to the programme for 7 hours. These are the assorted facet of execution emphasized in the learning procedure:6.2.5 EvaluationThe rating stage consists of two parts: formative and summational. Formative rating is present in each phase of the ADDIE procedure. Summational rating consists of trials designed for sphere specific criterion-related referenced points and supplying chances for feedback from the users. Chiefly the rating is done in two parts. The first stage will be the rating of pupil work based on the aims in the â€Å" Learning ends and type of larning † listed above. Students will be rated by their instructor based on the A, B, C, F standards set by the English Department. An Angstrom is first-class work, B is mean, and C will intend pupil demands betterment. An F would intend that pupil failed the composing appraisal with below 60 % of grade. Students will be evaluated at each phase of the class. The section will utilize this rating in order to happen out how they might necessitate to modify the programme in the hereafter. A summational rating will be conducted as outlined by Smith and Ragan ( 1999, p.352 ) . Those writers explain that in order to measure the effectivity, entreaty, and efficiency of direction, a aggregation, analysis and sum-up of informations on pupils ia indispensable. In our designed programme an test is built to entree pupils of their command on the abilities taught during the programme.Students are to demo their capablenesss in their apprehension and cognition taught to them by finishing the set of prep targeted to them. Students will be graded on from 1 to 5 for their abilities in each of the undermentioned subdivisions: Student name Student able to take a subject n sub-topics Student able to utilize press releases information Student able to finish the essay Score dated from 1 to 5 1: hapless 2: Able to understand the authorship construct with some counsel 3: Able to finish the undertaking with aid and support 4: Able to understand the construct and finish the undertaking separately A pre-test and post-test can mensurate how good learners achieved the larning aims. However, it normally takes more clip and attempt to mensurate things such as whether the scholars will utilize their preparation. This rating stage can widen for months. Upon completion of the programme the pupils ‘ feedback will be collected to further estimate the success of the programme. Questions are besides answered on a graduated table of 1 to 5. 1 is low and 5 is high. The standard inquiries constructed are as below: Were you satisfied with the content of this class? Were you able to understand the instructor ‘s account? Were you able to set into pattern elements that you learnt? Did you fond the class interesting? On a graduated table of 1 to 5, what is your general feeling about the class?Part C7.0 REVIEWER ‘S COMMENTSBelow is the sum-up of the feedback received from two of the Senior Teachers from the English Language Department of Hin Hua High School sing the 7hour remedial programme on composing accomplishments. Reviewer 1: Mdm Annaletchumy Reviewer 2: Ms Sastina The strengths and failings of the freshly developed Remedial Programme for Elementary Students Strengths 1. Learning by actively take parting in group treatment 2. Encouraging pupils to build their ain thoughts and cognition of the subject 3. Student-centered instead than teacher or subject-centered 4. Teaching assistance contributed to pupil ‘s visual image on the subject given 5. Suitable to student ‘s development degree 6. Group work enables pupils to self – express, to be self-assured and self- consciousness 7. Promote teacher to develop pupil ‘s originative thought abilities 8. Stressing the construct of group work and peer rating where no pupil Is left behind 9. Promoting the co-operation among pupils and instructor positively 10. Enables pupil to hold a positive mentality in originative authorshipFailings1. Unsuitability of activities for crowded room 2. Lack of stuffs used as assistance for pre-writing undertaking 3. Lack of instructor ‘s rating on the first stage of composing 4. Certain undertaking may take more clip than the planned clip 5. Peer rating on composing inappropriate attack for simple scholars8.0 Summary of ReviewSummarized below are some of the achievements and challenges I personally went through in building the remedial programme:8.1 Strengths8.1.1 Improved pupils attitude and motive Students are mentally prepared to take part in the programme because pupils agree to a peculiar gait, work load, and larning environment from the beginning. 8.1.2 Making Learning Communities: Classs map as Teach communities both teacher and their pupils benefit – in both societal and academic countries – from working with each other over a full programme. 8.1.3 Extinguishing Stigma of Dependency: The construct group work and peer rating removed the stigma of being excessively dependent on the instructor Writing stuffs.8.2 Failings8.2.1 Students engagement Some scholars will non lend in due to the deficiency of involvement or proficiency 8.2.2 Stipulated Time The period allotted might non be sufficient for certain undertaking. Thus this will hold or sometimes disrupt the whole programme construction. 8.2.3 Truly in equal marker Some scholars will non adhere by the regulations set in equal marker when it comes to appraisal. Favoritisms and ego -centered will act upon the observation9.0 DecisionIt is expected that by go toing this theoretical account of English remedial direction it will be good to low English winners. Students will derive well in grammar and vocabulary and they will besides bit by bit better in their overall English competency. Based on the remarks from the referees it can be concluded that scholars will be efficaciously better their English authorship accomplishments through the prepared class faculty for the remedial programme. A well-designed class will decidedly give them encouragement and support to promote their English proficiency and be prepared for the following degree, pre=intermediate.10.0 PART D7 HOUR LESSON PLAN REMEDIAL PROGRAMME – ENGLISH LANGUAGEPurposes: by the terminal of my lesson, pupils will be able to compose a full-length essay on Endangered Species and better their attack of composing schemes. Auxiliary purpose: pupils will be able to better their usage of associating words in controlled and less controlled authorship activities on Endangered SpeciessEvidence: ( How will I know I have achieved the purpose? )Students will be able to finish effect and short authorship scheme undertakings: Quizzes, Test Students will be able to finish their group presentation and compose a full length essay on Endangered Species.Materials:Course Content prepared by Elementary instructors from the English Department of Hin Hua High School, Klang. 1. New Opportunities Students Book ( Module 7- Endangered Species ) 2. Multimedia devices 3. Cultural consciousness Context: Endangered SpeciessAnticipated ProblemsSolutions1.Students have no cognition of Endangered Species Promote them to look at the exposure 2.Students are non able to do connexion with the subject Promote them to work in groups 3.Students find composing within the clip frame really demanding Set and maintain rigorous clip bounds 4. Students may non understand the right vocabulary use for the undertaking Pre-teach the vocabulary before pupils do the undertakings 5. Students may non be able to compose much about Endangered Speciess Get them to work in groups and portion thoughts.Premises1. Some pupils have cognition of Endangered Species and hold read about them 2. Students have cognition of the extinction of animate beings. 3. Some pupils have had exposure through the media and cyberspace on the Endangered Species development. 4. Students have sufficient vocabulary to get down the authorship. 5. Students understand and use some linking words and sequence connections taught. Timing ( mins ) Phase name Procedure Purpose Interaction 30 Ice- Breaker Teacher sticks up assorted sorts of carnal images on the whiteboard and asks pupils to do a conjectures on animate beings of endangered species. T negotiations about the images and T proctors activity. T gets feedback on activity and writes a few conjectures on WB To warm up the category and to set up a game- like ambiance To research around the category, to be introduced to the subject of endangered species, bit by bit To interchange positions for their picks with grounds given T -S T – Second S – Second T – Second S – Second 30 Pre-writing ( a ) After feedback, T gives a presentation on several species of endangered animate beings and their characters and populating wonts utilizing PPT ( Giant Pandas, North China Tiger, African Elephant, Dolphin and Gorillas ) T prepares a cartridge holder of picture â€Å" ICE AGE † in order to steer the pupils to discourse on the grounds of people killing animate beings To set up context and to utilize scholar ‘s conventional cognition of the animate beings on the whole to unite it with the lesson ‘s subject T – Second T – Second 30 Pre-writing ( B ) I. After feedback, T gives each group a set of images of animate beings and asks them to place the endangered species. two. After feedback, T advises scholars to look at it complete and this clip, to happen out why are these animate beings in danger and the grounds for it. To advance group work to place the images, to work out context in groups and to trip bottom-up reading accomplishments To work out in context intent and audience, in groups and trip top-down reading accomplishments S – Second T – Second S – Second T – Second 30 Pre- Teaching Vocabulary After feedback, T holds the attending of Ss to the unknown word in the context ; T elicits their significance in context, utilizing mini- lexicon from the New Opportunities Students Book, To pre-teach unknown vocabulary, to work out its significance in context, utilizing the dictionary and to pattern emphasis, modulation and beat T – Second T – Second S – Second 30 Pre – Writing ( degree Celsius ) After feedback, T assigns two paragraphs for each group to work on, and hands out a wh-comprehension undertaking to finish for their paragraphs Ss are to come to the w/b and put the strips of paper one under the other To pattern reading accomplishments, such as scanning and reading for item To reorder the strips of paper on the w/b, to show it as a whole, and to utilize it as a springboard for the brainstorming session S -S T – Second S – Second 30 Brainstorming: T asks Ss to believe why some animate beings are endangered and ways of assisting the endangered animate beings T prepares a cartridge holder of picture â€Å" ICE AGE † in order to steer the pupils to discourse on the grounds of people killing animate beings During the activity, T goes about, proctors and provides aid where necessary. To trip their conventional cognition of the endangered animate beings, to unite their scheme to culturally targeted subjects All thoughts are to be brainstorm in their group for bring forthing bill of exchanges S – Second T – Second S – Second 60 While – Writing ( Rough Draft ) Peer rating Thymine informs them that they will hold to compose their ain thoughts down, in order they like on a piece of paper, -one group member will compose the bill of exchange and the others will give aid and counsel. During the activity, T goes around proctors and provides aid Ss exchange documents with the other squad and give remarks on each other ‘s work To compose a unsmooth bill of exchange, to choose thoughts and to set up a point of view To advance coaction amongst group members, to peer-evaluate, to offer support and counsel with written work S – Second S – Second 60 While – Writing ( First Draft ) Peer rating T advises S to rewrite the essay every bit good as select which thoughts will travel to each paragraph, in their squads T tells them that one of them will compose and the others will assist out After composing, T tells Ss to trade documents and give them to the other group to remarks To set up information, to construction the text ( White and Arndt 1991 ) To work collaboratively to accomplish an purpose To advance co-operation to accomplish a end, to peer evaluate, to react to the first bill of exchange and to give feedback on the content ( Raimes cited in Gaith 2002 ) T – Second T – Second S -S T – Second S -S 60 While – Writing ( Second Draft ) Editing T advises S to rewrite the bill of exchanges, much better, now, they ‘ve got the feedback from other groups After composing, T tells Ss to read out what they ‘ve written To better the accomplishment of authorship ( Charles 1990 ) To redact, to proof-read content S – Second T – Second 60 Post – Writing ( Finished Draft ) T advises Ss to get down their single authorship on the foolscap paper provided T gives Ss appraisal Markss based the authorship produced To show their pieces of complete authorship S – Second T – Second

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Multivitamin Review

It has always been a practice by children or adults to take in multivitamins daily. â€Å"Prevention is better than cure† as what most adults usually say. Multivitamins are essential to your body since it provides the necessary vitamins and minerals to support you metabolic processes and helps in preventing chronic diseases. Vitamins are organic compounds needed in the diet in small amounts to promote and regulate the chemical reactions and processes needed for growth, reproduction, and the maintenance of health (_______ p.236). While minerals are elements needed by the body in small amounts for structure and to regulate chemical reactions and other body processes (______ p.280). Daily intake of multivitamins gives short-term benefits like boosting your energy and helps you combat physical stress to maintain an active lifestyle. It also provides better vision and better memory. While some of the long-term benefits include reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Using tables 8.2 and 8.3 in Ch. 8 (pp.239-240, 262), and Tables 9.1 and 9.6 in Ch.9 (pp.288, 301-08), over-the-counter multivitamins could only meet the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for Adults if these are taken in combination to a healthy and well-balanced diet as suggested by the Food Pyramid Guide. The amount of a vitamin in a food depends on the amount naturally found in that food as well as how the food is cooked, stored, and processed. The vitamins naturally found in foods can be washed away during preparation, destroyed by cooking, or damaged by exposure to light or oxygen (____ p.237). This is why it is recommended and is important to take in multivitamins everyday to maintain good health. It compensates for the lost nutrients in many of the foods we eat. Does taking a multivitamin everyday raise your intake of a particular vitamin or mineral to near-toxic levels? Vitamins are divided into two types: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Most vitamins purchased over the counters are water-soluble. Anything taken in excess of the RDI is excreted off in the urine. Also, vitamin and mineral contents in 1 dosage of a multivitamin contains less than 100% of the RDI and the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). So generally, it is safe to take multivitamins everyday. However, since multivitamins make good nutritional sense, it should not be abused. Some people who experience mild illnesses attempt to cure themselves by taking in more than the recommended dosage of their multivitamins thinking that it will speed up their recovery. This should not be the case since some health conditions require special medical attention. Too much vitamins and minerals in your body can be toxic. Some of the consequences of toxicity are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, hair changes, kidney damage, bone abnormalities, high/low blood pressure, anemia, brain damage, rashes, tingling extremities, sweating, etc. As always, too much of anything is bad. References Karani, R. (2006, March). The truth about multivitamins: can taking a multivitamin every day really help you stay healthy? Focus on Healthy Aging. *Note: There are blank spaces after the quotations. I don’t know the title and the author of the reading sources that you gave me. Kindly just fill it out and include it in the references. Also this response is more than the required number of words but it’s hard to answer all the questions, do citations and make a point with just a limited 300-word response. Sorry I know this is very late already. But I tried.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Money And Banking

Money and Banking Money: Term that actually refers to two concepts: the abstract unit of account in terms of which the value of goods, services, and obligations can be compared; and anything that is widely established as a means of payment. Frequently the standard of value also serves as a medium of exchange, but that is not always the case. The role of money in the society: A first definition of money is to define money as the mean of exchange between individuals. In a capitalist economy, this is a too simple definition. The fundamental purpose of money is a way to distribute the ownership in the society. And, by a consequence, money is also used as a mean of exchange. Furthermore, it should be analyzed that money is also a social instrument which help to coordinate social relation between individuals. Functions of Money: ? Specific functions (mostly micro-economic) Æ’Ã § Unit of account (abstract) Æ’Ã § Common measure of value (abstract) Æ’Ã § Medium of exchange (concrete) Æ’Ã § Means of payment (concrete) Æ’Ã § Standard for deferred payments (abstract) Æ’Ã § Store of value (concrete) ? General functions (mostly macro-economic and abstract) Æ’Ã § Liquid asset Æ’Ã § Framework of the market allocative system (prices) Æ’Ã § A causative factor in the economy Æ’Ã § Controller of the economy Properties or Characteristics of Money: Any item which is going to serve as money must be: acceptable to people as payment scarce and in controlled supply stable and able to keep its value divisible without any loss of value portable and not too heavy to carry Banking: Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from citizens and pay interest in return. Banks are not all service institutions, most operate in order to make a profit. Even if they are a non profit they do have to make money in their operation in order to pay expenses. Functions of Ba... Free Essays on Money And Banking Free Essays on Money And Banking Money and Banking Money: Term that actually refers to two concepts: the abstract unit of account in terms of which the value of goods, services, and obligations can be compared; and anything that is widely established as a means of payment. Frequently the standard of value also serves as a medium of exchange, but that is not always the case. The role of money in the society: A first definition of money is to define money as the mean of exchange between individuals. In a capitalist economy, this is a too simple definition. The fundamental purpose of money is a way to distribute the ownership in the society. And, by a consequence, money is also used as a mean of exchange. Furthermore, it should be analyzed that money is also a social instrument which help to coordinate social relation between individuals. Functions of Money: ? Specific functions (mostly micro-economic) Æ’Ã § Unit of account (abstract) Æ’Ã § Common measure of value (abstract) Æ’Ã § Medium of exchange (concrete) Æ’Ã § Means of payment (concrete) Æ’Ã § Standard for deferred payments (abstract) Æ’Ã § Store of value (concrete) ? General functions (mostly macro-economic and abstract) Æ’Ã § Liquid asset Æ’Ã § Framework of the market allocative system (prices) Æ’Ã § A causative factor in the economy Æ’Ã § Controller of the economy Properties or Characteristics of Money: Any item which is going to serve as money must be: acceptable to people as payment scarce and in controlled supply stable and able to keep its value divisible without any loss of value portable and not too heavy to carry Banking: Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits from citizens and pay interest in return. Banks are not all service institutions, most operate in order to make a profit. Even if they are a non profit they do have to make money in their operation in order to pay expenses. Functions of Ba...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Socrates Paradoxes essays

Socrates Paradoxes essays The three paradoxes that Socrates wrote are now in textbooks where I they should stay. The paradoxes were written many years ago, and since society and human kind have changed greatly. I personally disagree with three paradoxes. The first paradox Socrates wrote,  ³No one knowingly commits evil because virtue is knowledge, ² the second is,  ³No one commits evil because no one deserves evil, ² and the final paradox Socrates is  ³It is better to be treated unjustly than it is to be The first paradox,  ³No one knowingly commits evil because virtue is knowledge, ² should be out of play. What does out of play mean? Even people know the consequences they willingly continue to do wrongful For example, people use drugs, and disobey speed limits even though know jail time, court fees, and probation are possible consequences for actions. Virtues, like many other things must be taught to individuals. no one teaches virtues to people, no on can be expected to demonstrate I have to disagree Socrates second paradox,  ³No one willingly evil because no one deserves evil. ² Once again, people commit evil without considering the potential damage they may cause another person. Every day a  ³white lie ² is told to a teacher, a parent or a spouse. thought the intent of a white lie is usually to spare an individual ¹s feelings, it is still an act of evil. People also do things in their favor What does favor mean? Ã…  .benefitÃ…   For example, people commit adultery even thought their actions are considered to be evil. This is an act of self-satisfaction. Generally, people will do whatever they want, especially if it benefits the I have to disagree with Socrates the third paradox,  ³It is better to treated unjustly than it is to be unjus ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Major General Horatio Wright in the Civil War

Major General Horatio Wright in the Civil War Horatio Wright - Early Life Career: Born at Clinton, CT on March 6, 1820, Horatio Gouverneur Wright was the son of Edward and Nancy Wright.   Initially educated in Vermont at former West Point Superintendent Alden Partridges military academy, Wright later gained an appointment to West Point in 1837.   Entering the academy, his classmates included John F. Reynolds, Don Carlos Buell, Nathaniel Lyon, and Richard Garnett.   A gifted student, Wright graduated ranked second of fifty-two in the class of 1841.   Receiving a commission in the Corps of Engineers, he remained at West Point as an assistant to the Board of Engineers and later as an instructor of French and engineering.   While there, he married Louisa Marcella Bradford of Culpeper, VA on August 11, 1842.   In 1846, with the Mexican-American War beginning, Wright received orders that directed him to aid in making harbor improvements at St. Augustine, FL.   Later working on the defenses at Key West, he spent most of the next decade engaged on various engineering projects.   Promoted to captain on July 1, 1855, Wright reported to Washington, DC where he acted as an assistant to Chief of Engineers Colonel Joseph Totten.   As sectional tensions increased after the election of President Abraham Lincoln in 1860, Wright was dispatched south to Norfolk the following April.   With the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter and beginning of the Civil War in April 1861, he unsuccessfully attempted to implement the destruction of the Gosport Navy Yard.   Captured in the process, Wright was released four days later. Horatio Wright - Early Days of the Civil War: Returning to Washington, Wright aided in the design and construction of fortifications around the capital until being posted to serve as chief engineer of Major General Samuel P. Heintzelmans 3rd Division.   Continuing to work on area fortifications from May to July, he then marched with Heintzelmans division in Brigadier General Irvin McDowells army against Manassas.   On July 21, Wright assisted his commander during the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run.   A month later he received a promotion to major and on September 14 was elevated to brigadier general of volunteers.   Two months later, Wright led a brigade during Major General Thomas Sherman and Flag Officer Samuel F. Du Ponts successful capture of Port Royal, SC.   Having gained experience in combined army-navy operations, he continued in this role during operations against St. Augustine and Jacksonville in March 1862.   Moving to division command, Wright led part of Major General David Hunters army duri ng the Union defeat at the Battle of Secessionville (SC) on June 16. Horatio Wright - Department of the Ohio: In August 1862, Wright received a promotion to major general and command of the newly re-formed Department of the Ohio.   Establishing his headquarters at Cincinnati, he supported his classmate Buell during the campaign that culminated with the Battle of Perryville that October.   On March 12, 1863, Lincoln was forced to rescind Wrights promotion to major general as it had not been confirmed by the Senate.   Reduced to brigadier general, he lacked the rank to command a department and his post passed to Major General Ambrose Burnside.   After commanding the District of Louisville for a month, he transferred to Major General Joseph Hookers Army of the Potomac.   Arriving in May, Wright obtained command of the 1st Division in Major General John Sedgwicks VI Corps. Horatio Wright - In the East: Marching north with the army in pursuit of General Robert E. Lees Army of North Virginia, Wrights men were present at the Battle of Gettysburg in July but remained in a reserve position.   That fall, he played an active role in the Bristoe and Mine Run Campaigns.   For his performance in the former, Wright earned a brevet promotion to lieutenant colonel in the regular army.   Retaining command of his division following the reorganization of the army in the spring of 1864, Wright moved south in May as Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant advanced against Lee.   After leading his division during the Battle of the Wilderness, Wright assumed command of VI Corps when Sedgwick was killed on May 9 during the opening actions of the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House.   Quickly promoted to major general, this action was confirmed by the Senate on May 12. Settling into corps command, Wrights men participated in the Union defeat at Cold Harbor at the end of May.   Crossing the James River, Grant moved the army against Petersburg.   As Union and Confederate forces engaged north and east of the city, VI Corps received orders to move north to aid in defending Washington from Lieutenant General Jubal A. Earlys forces which had advanced down the Shenandoah Valley and won a victory at Monocacy.   Arriving on July 11, Wrights corps was quickly moved into the Washington defenses at Fort Stevens and aided in repelling Early.   During the fighting, Lincoln visited Wrights lines before being moved to a more protected location.   As the enemy withdrew on July 12, Wrights men mounted a brief pursuit. Horatio Wright - Shenandoah Valley Final Campaigns: To deal with Early, Grant formed the Army of the Shenandoah in August under Major General Philip H. Sheridan.   Attached to this command, Wrights VI Corps played key roles in the victories at Third Winchester, Fishers Hill, and Cedar Creek.   At Cedar Creek, Wright held command of the field for the early phases of the battle until Sheridan arrived from a meeting at Winchester.   Though Earlys command was effectively destroyed, VI Corps remained in the region until December when it moved back to the trenches at Petersburg.   In the line through the winter, VI Corps attacked Lieutenant General A.P. Hills men on April 2 when Grant mounted a massive offensive against the city.   Breaking through the  Boydton Line, VI Corps achieved some of the first penetrations of the enemys defenses.   Ã‚      Pursuing Lees retreating army west after the fall of Petersburg, Wright and VI Corps again came under the direction of Sheridan.   On April 6, VI Corps played a key role in the victory at Saylers Creek which also saw Union forces capture Lieutenant General Richard Ewell.   Pressing west, Wright and his men were present when Lee finally surrendered three days later at Appomattox.   With the war ending, Wright received orders in June to take command of the Department of Texas.   Remaining until August 1866, he then left volunteer service the following month and reverted to his peacetime rank of lieutenant colonel in the engineers. Horatio Wright - Later Life: Serving in the engineers for the remainder of his career, Wright received a promotion to colonel in March 1879.   Later that year, he was appointed Chief of Engineers with the rank of brigadier general and succeeded Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys.   Involved in high-profile projects such as the Washington Monument and Brooklyn Bridge, Wright held the post until his retirement on March 6, 1884.   Living in Washington, he died on July 2, 1899.   His remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery beneath an obelisk erected by veterans of VI Corps.           Ã‚     Ã‚   Selected Sources: NPS: Horatio WrightCivil War Trust: Horatio WrightOhio Civil War: Horatio Wright

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Philosophy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Philosophy paper - Essay Example Rousseau is of the view that general will is the sum of differences of specific individual interests. It is in the best interest of everyone e.g. personal interests are often benefited at the expense of other people’s collective interests. Therefore if this individuality is cancelled out entirely then all citizens within a society can enjoy freedom. By subjugating our desires for the betterment of nation, voluntarily embracing the society’s administration as our own, freedom can be achieved which will make us more rational and moral (Rousseau 26). Under the social contract, Rousseau is in favour of alienated totality of all rights within the society. By exchanging innate freedom with civil independence we are able to maintain equality between all members of society. When the community rights surpass individual rights a sovereign state comes into being. â€Å"Finally, each man, in giving himself to all, gives himself to nobody: and as there is no associate over which he does not acquire the same right as he yields others over himself, he gains an equivalent for everything he loses, and an increase of force for the preservation of what he has† (Rousseau 24). In his book, the social contract Rousseau envisages sovereign as a collective effort of all citizens. Through continued collaboration they form the state principles and general will for common good. According to him the government and sovereign are in constant friction that may result in a diminishing society but healthy nations never give up and last for ages to come e.g. the Roman realm. Everyone is free to practise their own beliefs in privacy but a public religion established by the state is preferred that favors active citizenship. In his ideology citizens are not forced but motivated to affirm to the community for their own mutual interest. His main aim is to seek how freedom can develop in a civil society in

VISIT TO A TEMPLE OR A SYNAGOGUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

VISIT TO A TEMPLE OR A SYNAGOGUE - Essay Example Also, I knew that Muslims are allowed kosher meat if halal is not available, so I was interested to find out what it meant to be kosher. In Islam, we don't eat pigs, and animals must be slaughtered with a sharp knife by a cut to the throat. Also, any adult Muslim can butcher an animal, as long as they pray to Allah facing Mecca beforehand. Rabbi Winoku explained Jews don't eat pork, either, but they have a different way of determining what meat is clean. Islam forbids dead meat, blood, and the flesh of swine. Jews eat only land animals with a split hoof that chew their cud, and birds that are not scavengers, and fish that have fins and scales. One thing that is the same is that Jews use a very sharp knife and cut across the animal's throat to keep it from feeling pain. But one thing that is different is that, although the Jewish slaughterer must be a holy man, Jews do not require that he pray before killing an animal. I wonder how it is possible for kosher meat to be halal, but that is a question for another day (and another religious leader!). Also Jews do not mix milk and meat at all, so that Jews can't eat something like a cheeseburger. I knew that the Jewish holy day is Saturday, not Friday as it is for Muslims, and the holiday starts the night before.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Identifying, Stating, and Addressing Research Problems Essay

Identifying, Stating, and Addressing Research Problems - Essay Example A foremost flaw of â€Å"polygraph research† is the nonappearance of a self-governing decisive factor for setting up deception. As per a study, as well as lots of other experts relies on the assessor, who analyzes the polygraph to extort an assertion, which is then further utilized to corroborate the effectiveness of that course of action. Such non-independence unnecessarily puzzles research findings on â€Å"polygraph techniques.† We have exercised dual techniques to collect loads of polygraph investigations for the purpose of evaluation. (Rogers, 2008) Research methodology adapted for the assessment of â€Å"dishonesty and deception† increasingly has been standardized. Despite its obvious benefits, this standardization carries its own risk, that is to say, an unnecessary narrowing of research methods and a disinclination to explore alternative approaches. Via utilizing a huge sample â€Å"N = 1,424† of â€Å"military recruits, simulators and coached simulators† evidently enhanced their scores over controls on objective behavior scales concerning to â€Å"emotional adjustment, work orientation, and non-delinquency.† â€Å"Zickar and Robie† assessed and discovered an outsized gap of disparities that were steady with the â€Å"changing persons† mold of faking. It was also analyzed that items functioned in a different way on both thing i.e. â€Å"DIF and DTF levels.† They also observed about the susceptibility of items and scales to defensiveness. (Zickar, 1999) â€Å"Stark† proposed that â€Å"IRT† is the technique of selection for testing the impacts of precise responses styles on test scales as the technique of â€Å"IRT† goes further than mean divergence in probing â€Å"trait distributions.† (Stark, 2001) Post advanced investigations Stark et al discovered the extensive differences via both discrepancy prevalence i.e. â€Å"applicants vs. non-applicants† and â€Å"bootstrapping† {high vs. low on

Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Conclusion - Essay Example The high quality of products and excellent customer friendly services make Cafà © very attractive place to relax. There is effective communication across the workforce which has promoted greater understanding across the diverse workforce (Mullins, 2010). Indeed, if the management continues to engage its employees meaningfully and promotes participatory approach that inculcates strong sense of shared values, it would become the best coffee shop of the town. Cafà © Bleu enjoys excellent location near the University of Miami which could be exploited in many ways. As most of its employees are young students, Cafà © could offer the student community with part time jobs to meet the challenges of its growing clientele and popularity. The management can also look out for new ideas from the University students who come here for a cup of coffee. Growth and innovative thinking go hand in hand (Meyer at al., 2007). Indeed, it could be the key management strategy to enhance the appeal of the Cafà © for students and people in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

During the interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

During the interview - Essay Example In this speech, I will explicate what happens during an interview. I would like to bring to your attention that an interview starts immediately the candidate enters the facility hosting the interview. In this regard, it is fundamental to arrive early and be in good behavior both at the waiting room and inside the interview room. As explicated by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, the receptionist may also be a part of the recruitment team and may therefore be asked to elucidate a candidates behavior in the waiting room (para. 2). Another point to remember relates to first impressions. Ensuring eye contact with the interviewer confirms a candidates self confidence. Other than eye contact, dressing code helps the panel form an impression about the candidate (Time 118). Since an interview is an official event, interviewees are expected to dress formally. For men, presenting themselves in tucked-in shirts and neat hair gives a positive impression. Conversely, wearing a formal dress or suit as well as plaiting ones hair also gives a positive impression for women. In reference to the interview process, Das, in his book Business Communication, asserts the importance of giving a firm and brief handshake to the panel as introductions are being conducted (154). In essence, a handshake is a sign of respect and etiquette. According to San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, shaking hands with the panel is a sign of self confidence (para. 2). To begin the interview, the panel in most cases starts the process with reflective language posited by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center as small talk (para. 3). This is geared towards helping the candidate relieve his or her nervousness. For instance, small talk may revolve around topics such as current news or weather. In other words, small talk is intended to make

English - Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English - Walden by Henry David Thoreau - Essay Example Thoreau died of tuberculosis on May 6, 1862 (Lenat, 2007). In an attempt to live life on his own terms and explore his philosophy of self-reliance, simple living and intellectual growth, Thoreau built a primitive cabin on the shore of Walden Pond, situated about a mile from Concord, and lived there from 1845 – 1847: a period of two years and two months. In 1854, Thoreau published ‘Walden,’ an account of his life during that time (Kifer, 2002). ‘Walden’ throbs with Thoreau’s impassioned love for Nature and his exhortation to follow a simple lifestyle, free from the bond of materialism. Walden is Thoreau’s spiritual quest for self-expression. Thoreau urges each man to achieve his full potential for self-expression and identification with God through the exploration of his individual self and shows that union with Nature is the surest path to this goal. Thoreau’s identification with Nature stems from his all-encompassing love for Nature, which is woven into every page of his narrative. To him, Nature is the fount of beauty, joy, companionship, freedom and health. He rises early to lose himself in the beauty of the dawn. Thoreau observes and delights in the minutest details of Nature: even the sound of berry-laden branches breaking off under their own weight. The wealth of detail he lavishes on his description of partridges, loons, owls, hawks, insects and fish and pond ice is characterized by a tenderness which chronicles and cherishes every minute aspect of Nature. A sparrow alighting on his shoulder is considered a badge of honor by him (Winter Animals, 7). His becoming a vegetarian is but a natural offshoot of this love, which leads him to treasure any life, animal or human, and consider this to be a mark of civilization. His keen observation of Nature enables him to make inferences of his visitors by interpreting the sig nificance of bended twigs and dropped flowers. Thoreau’s passionate embrace of Nature is seen in his hunger â€Å"to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

During the interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

During the interview - Essay Example In this speech, I will explicate what happens during an interview. I would like to bring to your attention that an interview starts immediately the candidate enters the facility hosting the interview. In this regard, it is fundamental to arrive early and be in good behavior both at the waiting room and inside the interview room. As explicated by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, the receptionist may also be a part of the recruitment team and may therefore be asked to elucidate a candidates behavior in the waiting room (para. 2). Another point to remember relates to first impressions. Ensuring eye contact with the interviewer confirms a candidates self confidence. Other than eye contact, dressing code helps the panel form an impression about the candidate (Time 118). Since an interview is an official event, interviewees are expected to dress formally. For men, presenting themselves in tucked-in shirts and neat hair gives a positive impression. Conversely, wearing a formal dress or suit as well as plaiting ones hair also gives a positive impression for women. In reference to the interview process, Das, in his book Business Communication, asserts the importance of giving a firm and brief handshake to the panel as introductions are being conducted (154). In essence, a handshake is a sign of respect and etiquette. According to San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center, shaking hands with the panel is a sign of self confidence (para. 2). To begin the interview, the panel in most cases starts the process with reflective language posited by San Francisco State University Student Involvement and Career Center as small talk (para. 3). This is geared towards helping the candidate relieve his or her nervousness. For instance, small talk may revolve around topics such as current news or weather. In other words, small talk is intended to make

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Handgun control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Handgun control - Research Paper Example In order to understand gun control legislation, it is necessary to understand the phrase’ a â€Å"responsible citizen†. According to a local police officer, Steve Rusiecki, a responsible citizen is one who is a law-abiding citizen, does not abuse alcohol or drugs, has no felony records, has renounced U.S. citizenship, is legally in the U.S., is not mentally sick, and has not been dishonorably discharged from the military (Savage 1). This description entails all the elements from the Arizona’s concealed carry law and Federal Gun Control Act of 1968. The founding fathers made the second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and it states: â€Å"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed† (Savage 2). It was then included into the Bill of Rights. The founding fathers feared the federal government was going to oppress its citizens if they had no means of defend their nations and themselves. The right to possess and use guns was facilitated by Algernon Sidney, Aristotle, John Locke and Cicero. According to Samuel Adams, the militia that is described in the United States Constitution does not only refer to the National Guard or the Army. He suggests this group is comprised of free citizens. In addition, George Manson argues that a well managed militia comprises of Freeholders, Gentlemen and other Freemen (Squires 77). The American Revolutionary War was won with the help of an armed population consisting of militias, continental army, partisans and independent companies. It is, therefore, evident that the Founding Fathers realized that the society can benefit from firearms that are handled by responsible citizens (Squires 77). Many years later after the Revolution War, the government began to introduce regulations on the possession and usage of firearms. The initial measure was concerned with the way in which citizens could carry guns (Harrold 5). For example, in 1850 the Louisiana Supreme Court gave a ruling that the constitution does not guarantee any citizen to carry con cealed arms. However, earlier courts’ rulings asserted that the constitution protected the right of citizens to possess and use concealed weapons (Harrold 4). Just some time before Civil War, most Southern States, passed laws that denied the freed blacks and slaves from possessing firearms. This decision was initially made by Dred Scott Decision. Dred Scott argued that blacks, and slave had no rights to citizenship and they, therefore, have no right to possess and carry guns. The current gun control legislation takes into

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business Across Borders Essay Example for Free

Business Across Borders Essay In the business world today, borders are blending and multi-national mergers are causing many company nationalities to become indistinct. As the globalization of markets rapidly increases, many companies are finding international expansion a necessity of competition. North America is greatly affected by this movement towards a global market, and many companies are finding it extremely important to adapt to other cultures. Favorable trade agreements and explosive growth of the middle class in countries once considered underdeveloped have both been important factors in the rush towards globalization. However, the most important factor in increased globalization has been technological advancements, including new transportation and information technologies. Presentation of information is more frequently processed by members of a virtual team a work group not necessarily in the same geographical location. With the proliferation of e-mail, videoconferencing, fax machine, and the telephone, virtual teaming is becoming increasingly efficient. The most considerable obstructions to successful international marketing involve misinterpretations and contrary views resulting from cultural differences. Being both aware of some of these issues and prepared to make the necessary accommodations can save companies time, effort, and a considerable amount of money. Exploring Context Context is described as the most important dimension of culture and yet is the most difficult to define. Context refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambiance surrounding an event. Communication styles and business practices as a whole are often identified with the context of a country. North American, Scandinavian, and German communicators are generally considered to be low-context cultures. They expect a high level of detail in their visua,l verbal and written communication. Low-context cultures tend to  be analytical, logical and find words and contracts very important. Individualism, freedom and personal achievement are highly valued by these cultures. High-context cultures, such as Japan, China, Arabia, tend to assume the receiver does not need much background. Information and words are not as important as what is surrounding the situation. They are more aware of a communicators status, interpersonal relationships, the setting, and ambiance when conducting business relations. In general, tradition and social customs are more important in high-context cultures. These cultures emphasize membership in organizations and groups. Because they avoid confrontation, they frown upon individual decision making and prefer consensus. Relationships In many countries personal relationships are the key to success. It is important to not expect to get down to business right away, but rather get to know a person first. In Mexico, for example, business deals are only made with friends, so one must develop a friendship with any business partner. It is considered polite to ask personal questions about family, and also to answer any questions about your family. Discussions are warm and friendly. In Japan it is unlikely to get very far without connections. Carefully chosen intermediaries are a necessity. Not only will the Japanese feel obliged to be loyal to them, but rank of ones associates will determine their status as well. A Japanese businessman will always consult within his group before making a decision. Because of their intense loyalty, ones identity is subsumed into the group. It is important to never single out a Japanese counterpart, even for praise or encouragement. Contrarily, the Spaniards have a hierarchy style of management and it is best to deal with el jefe or el pardon-the one who will be making the decision. Spaniards also will expect whomever they are dealing with to have decisions-making authority. Saving Face When dealing with Spain or most Asian cultures, it is also critical to understand the concept of saving face. Any loss of control of emotions or embarrassment is considered disastrous in business negotiations in these cultures. Honor and personal pride mean everything and they must not be insulted. Because of this attitude it is very important to carefully prepare presentations so that they are easy for the audience to understand. Paying close attention to determine if anything is misunderstood during the presentation is also a must. Because of this concept of saving face the presenter will not know if they are having difficulties. Close attention must be paid to conversations in order to discern the sincerity of what is being said. In Japan, a deal is never refused directly, and any dealings with Japanese business culture should remain indirect. Business Cards In nearly all countries, it is important that business cards be printed one side in English, and the other in their language. When presenting the card, it should be presented with their language facing the recipient. In Japan, the exchange of business cards is not to be taken lightly. When you receive the card of a Japanese businessman, be sure to make a show of examining it carefully and then making a remark about the card. Ask any questions about anything on the card which is difficult to pronounce or understand. The card should then be placed in a case or on a near by table. A card shouldnt be shoved into a pocket or be written on. Concepts of Time Time orientation is an important cultural difference that Americans must pay close attention to. In America, time is viewed as a precious commodity. Time is related with productivity, efficiency, and money. Many other countries have a much more relaxed perception of time. They take their time, and enjoy it. In Mexico you can ask if a scheduled appointment is en punto (the precise time), or mas o menos. Mas o menos appointments are often scheduled a half an hour to an hour before the actual time. With both  Mexican and Japanese cultures it is also important not to expect instant results. Plenty of time should be allowed for contemplation and decision making. In Mexico it is important to adjust any expectations regarding deadlines and efficiency. Conclusion Doing business over borders and through time zones has become commonplace in the twenty-first century. Technological advancements in communication and travel make it possible to do business across the globe almost instantaneously. Doing business with multiple cultures can be a challenging venture. International communication skills of an organization can determine success or failure. In order to interact with different cultures, it is necessary to understand the basic characteristics of the culture. This type of understanding helps to make adjustments and accommodations. We must rid our minds of pre-conceived notions, stereotypes, and prejudices. It is imperative that one be knowledgeable about such topics as: context, traditions, social rules, etc. It is equally important to possess competent listening skills and to be aware of ones own nonverbal messages. The ability to adapt to an intercultural perspective is probably one of the most crucial aspects of doing business in todays global village. Bibliography Sellin, Robert H. J and Elaine Winters. Cultural Issues in Business Communication. Berkeley: Program Facilitating and Consulting, 2000. Guffey, Mary Ellen. Business Communication: Process and Product, 4th ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western, 2003 Etiquette and Local Customs. The Travelers Yellow Pages Online. InfoServices International, Inc., 2002 What to Know Before Negotiting Execitive

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Hudsons Bay Company :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lawmaking is a complicated, complex and comprehensive process which involves the locating, focusing and directing of social control. There are strong theories about the essence of social control. Some sociologists have even concluded that social control as a concept should be discarded totally because its power as an analytical tool was weakened through an unhealthy combination of overuse and under-explanation. As Chunn and Gavigan point out, it is not sufficient to use social control as an analytic tool when one begins with the approach that (1) either the meaning of the concept is too obvious to need definition or (2) the concept is undefinable but can be used without being defined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the purposes of this study, an attempt will be made to examine the dialectical relationship between legal power and social control using the Hudson's Bay Company's monolithic jurisdiction over a large part of North America. The period under study is from the Company's chartering in 1670 until 1821, when a new regulatory act was passed. An examination of the legal system which was operative in the late 17th and entire 18th century in Rupert's Land offers insight into the roots of the Canadian legal process. In spite of the corporate nature of the Company-run Rupert's Land, I believe that a close study of legal questions, cases and decisions that arose during the Company's first one hundred and fifty years will indicate that all the social control mechanisms were not in the Company's hands. Rather a synergy between the Company and the frontierspeople determined the nature of the laws.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To cope with the above-mentioned difficulties in using social control as an analytical tool, I plan to use the conceptual theme of social controls suggested by Russell Smandych. Smandych's approach returns analytical usefulness to the social control concept. He examines the layers, levels, nuances, and threads of social control that both define and confine behavior. He takes social control analysis a necessary extra step by recognizing that it is not an entirety in and of itself but that it is a collection of controls, each operating at a different level. And rather than using the controls found in a society as explanations of that society, Smandych recommends using the possibility of these controls as analytical devices for restudying and rethinking a society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Hudson's Bay Company was entitled to handle all law making, enforcement, and execution from 1670 until 1870. Because the Hudson's Bay Company was working with a tabula rasa (especially as it did not give consideration to aboriginal laws), judicially speaking, it offers a prime example for viewing the development of law from step one.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Importance of History Essay -- essays research papers

What is history? Should we study history? Who creates history? Is history relevant? The definition of history, is a question which has sparked international debate for centuries between the writers, readers, and the makers of history. It is a vital topic which should be relevant in our lives because it?s important to acknowledge past events that have occurred in our world that deeply influences the present. This essay will discuss what history is, and why we study it. History is the study of past events leading up to the present day. It is a research, a narrative, or an account of past events and developments that are commonly related to a person, an institution, or a place. It is a branch of knowledge that records and analyzes past happenings. Focusing on the people involved in a time, place, and series of events makes history. It?s from social and cultural conditions as well as political and economical events. Within the topic of history, there is historiography which refers to the study of historical study. It is historical analysis examining the principles, theories, writings and uses of historical methods. History based on the past, or describing people who lived in the past or events that happened in the past. Historical study often focuses on events and progress that occur in particular blocks of time in order to organize ideas. Names given to a period can vary with geographical location as can the dates of the start and end of a particular period. History can also be classified in/to social sciences and humanities. Outside fields of study, such as economics, philosophy, archeology, anthropology, and geography are common sub topics in global history. History is created by a historical entity/figure that ha... ...nd memorization of dates which is why it?s usually at the bottom of students' favorite subjects We can't learn from either our mistakes or our achievements if we don't know our History. In conclusion, knowing the History of others is important to understand where they're coming from. Knowing where you come from is one of the best ways of knowing where you are going. History helps us progress because we know what to avoid and what to aspire for. Perhaps if more people took the time to do this, there would be less conflict, anger and hatred in the world. Someday now will be history. So if now is not relevant, neither is history and vice versa. Or looking as many historians do, If we don't pay attention to the past and learn from history, we are bound to repeat the mistakes we made in the past. "Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it."